The Despicable ME2
set of Happy Meal® toys was released by McDonald's Australia to promote the new movie.
The characters are made from hard plastic and each one has its own special action:
Tom Babbler - laughs and squawks click for sound.
Tom Giggling - giggles when shaken click for sound.
Purple Minion Giggling - giggles when shaken click for sound.
Phil Jelly Whistle - adjustable whistle sounds click for sound.
Tim Giggle Grabber - hands grab and giggles when shaken click for sound.
Carl Rocket Skateboard - a push and go toy.
Jerry Whistle - a loud whistle click for sound.
Purple Minion Babbler - talks nonsense click for sound.
Jerry Breakdancing - a windup toy which spins on its head.
Tom Googly Eyes Grabber - hands grab abd eyes move from side to side.
Dave Gadget Grabber - grabbing claw.
Stuart Light Up Grabber - lights up and hands grab.
Give-away Cardboard Memory Games were available in some stores.